Client's Requirements

I plan to launch a set of travel brushes to match our clean makeup products. All of our products are from nature. So I hope brushes are extremely natural.

Especially, the bristles should be antibacterial and clean.

With design style, simple and elegant would be great.

The package must perfectly protect the brushes.

Our proposals

The client hope brushes are extremely natural. Bamboo could be the best choice. Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant in the world and bamboo Kun in bamboo that is antibacterial.

So bamboo brush set is sustainable, clean, and healthy.

  • FSC bamboo → bamboo bristles
  • FSC bamboo → sustainable handle
  • FSC bamboo → tube package

We used bamboo fiber that is extracted from bamboo.

Bamboo fiber effectively decomposes the micro-organisms attached to its surface and in the air around it. The inhibiting rate is 80%, the antimicrobial rate is 95%.

We pass the simple transition of shape and the deepening of natural texture to keep more natural and let it more practical.

For shapes, round→conical / flat→conical. Conical can make feels better. Round and flat is for different bristles heads.

For textures, we wax oil on the surface to make the texture more obvious and look more natural.

Processing is simple but practical and looks more elegant.

We use the bamboo tube to match bamboo brushes.

Importantly, it can better protect brushes on traveling.